Benton Bucks Homeschool Basketball

The registration fee is due at the first practice, and players may not play in any regular season games until the fee is paid. Players who are not assigned to a team may need to wait until after the team selections are made so they can know which fee to pay. The fee covers all program expenses for the regular season.
You are expected to provide court shoes and navy blue shorts (in some cases) for your player, and transportation to and from all events. Family members and other fans will also be expected to pay a fee at the door at games, including home games. Head coaches are exempt from paying registration fees for their own children.
The fees for the 2020-2021 season are as follows:
* Elementary - $150.00
* Junior High - $200.00
* Junior Varsity - $200.00
* Varsity - $300.00
Fees for families with more than one child in the program are as follows:
* Oldest player is at full price for his team.
* The 2nd oldest player in the family will have a 25% discount
* All subsequent children in a family will be 25% off as well
Please make the checks out to "Benton Bucks." You may give your payment to the head coach or mail it to David Stutzman at the following address:
69682 CR 29
New Paris, IN 46553
Note: If payment of the applicable fee is burdensome to you at this time, please talk to the director before letting that prevent you from involvement in the program. Payment plans or scholarships may be available.
Please contact David Stutzman with any questions you may have regarding the fees or required forms.